Member of the Coastal Mid-Atlantic Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Member of the Coastal Mid-Atlantic Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Key Officers & Staff
Clerk of Session: Reese Atkinson
Assistant Clerk: John M. "Matt" Bramlett
Treasurer: W. Gregg McCutchen III
Assistant Treasurer: William "Billy" Clyburn
Business Office Manager: Gwen Hayden Steinmeyer
Organist/Choir Director: John "Bo" Dickinson
Assistant Choir Director.: Lillian "Lian" Latimer
Pastor: Rev. Christopher Parnell
(Click Pastor's image to visit his youtube page)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
(hours vary during holiday's)
Physical location: 215 S. Main St
Mailing address: POB 66
Bishopville, SC 29010
*NOTE: Post Office will NOT deliver mail to our street address
2025 Business Office Vacation/Holiday Closings
2025: January 1st & 20th
February 5th
May 13th - 20th & 28th
July 2nd; Au
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
(hours vary during holiday's)
Physical location: 215 S. Main St
Mailing address: POB 66
Bishopville, SC 29010
*NOTE: Post Office will NOT deliver mail to our street address
2025 Business Office Vacation/Holiday Closings
2025: January 1st & 20th
February 5th
May 13th - 20th & 28th
July 2nd; August 27th;
September 1st;
October 7th - 13th;
November 25th & 26th
December 23rd - 29th & 31st
Email & POB mail is checked on a daily basis and bills are being paid, in a timely manner. If anyone wishes to send donations, by mail, please mail them to:
PO Box 66, Bishopville, SC 29010
or use the donation button above
Thank you to our members & supporters in this critical time. May God bless each of you!
SUNDAY SCHOOL: Sunday's @ 9:45 am
The Older Adults meet in the Session Room, the Younger Adults and Older Youth meet upstairs in the Education Building and the younger Youth & Nursery are downstairs
COFFEE & FELLOWSHIP: 10:30 am, each Sunday
WORSHIP: Sunday's @ 11:00 am
Men of Church
3rd Wednesday, monthly, @ 7:00 p.m.
(September - April, minus November & December)
Presbyterian Women Circles
(September - April, minus November & December)
* Night Circle: 1st Monday before 3rd Tuesday @ 7 p.m.
* Morning Circle: 2nd Wednesday @ 10:30 am in the Fellowship Hall
Pastor's Bible Study: on Pause
Family Night/Day Events
(refer to weekly bulletins and/or monthly newsletters for info & details)
The Presbyterian Women are selling RADA products for Ministry & Missions. This is an ongoing fundraiser. Kitchen items from RADA, is a company that’s been making top quality kitchen knives and utensils at reasonable prices since 1948.
Please visit the link below to support our Women's Mission
The Kids for Christ Missions
- Israel Coin Ministry
Through your support, indigent people in many countries receive: Free medical & dental care, water filters, if needed, opportunity to receive prayer & hear of Yeshua (Jesus). Thank you for your continuing support, prayers and coins for God’s chosen people.
All proceeds are sent to the Jewish Voice Ministries.
Collection Dates are the 2nd Sunday of May & November.
Coin jars are available in the Bell Tower room or through the Church Office or you may write a check to BPC with memo K4C "Jewish Coins"
- Samaritan Purse "Operation Christmas Child Shoebox" Mission
Please check bulletins & newsletters to see what we are collecting throughout the year to fill shoeboxes. Shoeboxes will be mailed in Early November
October, 1830 - Stated Session of New Harmony Presbytery, part of Mt. Zion Church, upon request and petition, was dissolved, and constituted a Church by name of “New Hope.” New Hope was located 5 miles of Bishopville on Hwy 15 S.
October, 1838 - Members of New Hope agreed to request Presbytery to dissolve said Church and be organized into a new Church of Bishopville. It was therefore resolved. This was the beginning of the Bishopville Presbyterian Church.
Spring, 1839 - A lot, 150 yards on the front and 80 yards back from the road, was given by Mr. James W. English. A building 40 by 54 feet was erected, with galleries on two sides and one end completed in February 1840. The congregation has had but two church buildings; the original one, completed in 1840, that served for nearly 70 years when it gave place to the present handsome building which was erected at a cost, including furnishings and heating, of $22,000.
January, 1877 - The Ladies Aid & Missionary Society was organized with 26 members. In 1920 the name changed to “The Women’s Auxiliary”
January, 1919 - A committee and Fund was formed to purchase a pipe organ for the church.
The 1919 Pilcher Pipe organ remains in operation today
1928 - The first record of Bible School was recorded.
March, 1940 - Church bulletins began. Membership: 256.
March, 1944 – A Sunday school building campaign began. An amount of $5,525 was already on hand for this purpose.
February, 1949 – A contract for constructing a new Sunday school building was awarded at a cost of $27,000. (our Current Fellowship Hall)
1951 – 1952 - Statistical report to Presbytery reflects Church membership at 334 and Sunday school attendance at 340.
February 1957 - The urgent need of additional Sunday school space was recognized. The Session & Diaconate developed a building Fund for the new Educational Building.
April 1961 - Air conditioning was installed in the Sanctuary and Ladies Bible class at a cost of $75,000.
November 1963 - After many years of talking, praying, sacrificing, and hoping for a new Educational building, we entered a contract in the amount of $106,914. A ground breaking service was held on December 15, 1963 and completed with the laying of the cornerstone on July 26, 1964.
More recent... November 3, 2003 - Gwen Hayden Steinmeyer returned to us, after a 4 1/2 year break, as our Business Office Manager
December 5, 2012 – The Session met with a PRT of New Harmony, PC (USA) at First Sumter PC to review & discuss intent and process of negotiating a “Gracious dismissal”
January 13, 2013 – A Congregational Meeting was held to determine if the congregation agrees with Session’s recommendation for “Gracious Dismissal” from the PC (USA). A PRT from New Harmony oversaw the election. 106 of 128 members were in attendance. All 106 were in favor of leaving the PC (USA)
March 17, 2013 – A Congregational Meeting was held to vote on the dismissal terms from PC (USA). 90 of 129 members were in attendance. All 90 voted unanimously in favor of terms
May 19, 2013 – A Farewell & Thanksgiving Communion was held as we were departed from the PC (USA)
June 9, 2013 – We were welcomed into the “EPC” Evangelical Presbytery Church of the Mid-Atlantic
May 25, 2014 – Rev. Ken Hicks gave his resignation from BPC
June 29, 2014 – Rev. Ken Hicks left BPC
July 26, 2015 – Rev. Christopher Parnell was installed as our full-time pastor
C/O 2025
C/O 2026
C/O 2027
The SCROLL (Current year by month & yearly versions)